Roof Coatings
Graco’s family of GH Big Rig gas hydraulic sprayers is ideal for contractors who need maximum performance and unmatched performance. Perfect for large jobs, these sprayers are available with different performance points to spray nearly any coating.
The GH 933 is a high productionsprayer for architectural coatings, bridges, waterproofing and air barrier, roofing, fire proofing and protective & marine coatings: spray the most aggressive applications, without the need of an expensive air compressor to carry around.
The GH 833 is the preferred choice for high production professional contractors who spray the wide range of materials. This jobsite-proven workhorse is the answer when you demand ruggedness, performance and value.
The GH 733 sprayer is ideal for high production architectural coatings, bridges, waterproofing and air barrier, roofing, fire proofing and protective & marine coatings: spray the most aggressive applications, without the need of an expensive air compressor to carry around.
The Graco K70 King pneumatic airless sprayer is one of the most powerful machines for protective coatings. The system provides the applicator output values, pressure ratios and pumping capacities never seen before.
The GMAX II 7900 Roof Rig is the industry standard for professional contractors who spray a full range of coatings on residential, commercial and industrial jobs. Powered by Honda® engines, this portable rig will go anywhere the job demands.